Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Taming Your Tabs and Editing your Bookmarks

Ngā Mihi o te Ata, Started the morning by reading over last weeks notes around taming your tabs, editing names, re-shufling bookmarks and adding or deleting them.

Friday, May 14, 2021

Practising Recording a meet


Kia ora here a lil meet and recording i did with my class.

Thursday, May 13, 2021

DFI Day 2 training Lessgo

 Kei aku whakatamarahi ki te rangi, kei whakateitei ki te whenua.

Tēnā koutou.

Ānei tētahi o ngā mahi o te rangi nei.

today lesson were great. Learnt how to set up calendar and how to host and record a meeting.  The pace was great. Makaore was on time which was a great start today followed by a beautiful karakia.

First DFI Lesson

 Ngā Mihi o Te Rā

06/05/21 First DFI Lesson

I maranga ahau i te 6.30am i te ata. He whakarite i taku wharangi aka (DFI CV) te mea tuatahi. Katahi au ka  horoi,  ka kai parakuihi, ā, ka patua te huarahi ki te kura.

First DFI lesson Primo!

Favourite session was Google Drive. And learning how to clean, tidy and more organised.

The whole dfi lesson was great from Start to finish. Was really impressed with how well they delivered the presentation on google meets. Never new about the Explore tool so thought that was great but i need to use it more often. How to remove and replace the background in a photo. The whole pace of the day was great. Bring on today.