Kei aku whakatamarahi ki te rangi, kei whakateitei ki te whenua.
Tēnā koutou.
Ānei tētahi o ngā mahi o te rangi nei.
today lesson were great. Learnt how to set up calendar and how to host and record a meeting. The pace was great. Makaore was on time which was a great start today followed by a beautiful karakia.
Tēnā koe Rangikohu,
ReplyDeleteTe āhua nei kua mau pai i a koe te pūkenga matihiko o te tāmau kiriata, he rawe tēnā. Ākene pea, tirohia atu ngā pātai ki te rārangi mahi o te rā hei āwhina tō mahi rangitaki.
Hei ākuanei
Nā Makaore